How do I restore the factory software on my Acer TravelMate 290 notebook using recovery media? 昨天晚上9點多,賭王何鴻燊的兒子何猷君發了這樣一條微博: 微博的大概意思就是 何猷君不小心落了護照在經濟艙上,未能順利出境,找服務人員,結果不但愛理不理,還等了一夜。直到被認出來後,護照10分鐘內就找回了! 等了一夜Your Acer TravelMate 290 is able to be restored to factory default settings using recovery media. If you received a Recovery CD pack consisting of several disks use them in the order in which they are labeled or, start with the System Disk first. Note: Du...