Acero › Fiala Food ‹ Finding the complexity in the simple. 相信應該有不少人是基努李維這位巨星的粉絲吧?不知道各位知不知道在 2010 年 5 月時,他被拍到一個人默默的坐在路上的長板椅悠哉的吃三明治,表現得跟一般市民沒什麼兩樣,這張照片在網路上被網友用盡各種惡搞方式,直接稱他為「Sad Keanu」(哀傷的基努?),雖然說這項話題已經是相當久遠的事了,但We are pleased to serve you and look forward to seeing you in one of our restaurants. It's our passion and pleasure to provide you with a wonderful and memorable dining experience; to create beautiful and delicious meals. Allow us to indulge you....