夏天車內冷氣不冷? 隔熱膜挑選首重「隔熱 防爆 抗UV」
Wheel of Fortune 4/11/14: Julian's Achilles Heel - YouTube一到夏天,車內熱烘烘宛如烤箱,想要車內清涼一點,可以裝貼隔熱膜;毒辣辣的紫外線,讓愛美的女性敬而遠之,想要防止肌膚曬黑甚至曬紅,必須裝貼隔熱膜;而現今綠色環保意識抬頭,想要節能省油,更要裝貼隔熱膜。汽車裝貼隔熱膜,已成買車的標準配備,然而,坊間隔熱膜玲瑯滿目,要如何挑選到優異的隔熱膜很重要,就讓達人...The luckiest spins, the worst solves. (For those curious, he had no guesses at all on the BR, TOP DRAFT PICK (PERSON), and lost 30k. Didn't call good letters (only got D & I up there). Even if he had good letters, it's probably best he didn't say anyth...