acoustic phonetics

Acoustic Phonetics: Formants - University of Manitoba - Information Services and Technology -再看一集就好...再看一集就好... Formants For the purposes of distinguishing vowels from each other, we are more interested in the frequency response curves (indicating the preferred resonating frequencies of the vocal tract) rather than in the raw spectrum of the wave. Each of the prefe...


A Course in Phonetics: Home - Linguistics at Berkeley |太天才了.. Materials that accompany the book are linked by chapter number. The Extras section has more info on how to use this site, and links to examples from dozens of languages, some bonus audio for English phonetic transcription, and some cool xray and MRI movie...


The phonetics of phonological speech errors: An acoustic analysis ofÎÖ9ò ÷[ $ ˵Ùr¹` ×g你再做甚麼...快住手!!!!! 1.4. Overview of the study: acoustic analysis of speech errors Phonetic transcription provides a coarse coding of speech, filtered through the perceptual system of the listener. EMG analysis of a single muscle provides detailed information about activity l...


Phonetics definition of Phonetics in the Free Online Encyclopedia「奢侈品」對很多人來說有不同層次的意思,像是女孩子每次看到都會忍不住想買的限定版彩妝、可愛熊熊的玩偶、甚至是與藝術家聯名的名牌包包等等。對男孩子來說可能就是高階的單眼鏡頭、號稱超輕薄的筆記型電腦、甚至是完全手工打造的腳踏車等等。奢侈品對每個人意義也許不同,但大多都是「想要」但「非必要」的東西居多。由phonetics (fōnĕt`ĭks, fə–), study of the sounds of languages from three basic points of view. Phonetics studies speech sounds according to their production in the vocal organs (articulatory phonetics), their physical properties (acoustic phonetics), or th...
