acronym example

Acronym - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 用兩個手機詮釋了男人和女人正確的人生觀和價值觀和愛情觀! Nomenclature [edit] Whereas an abbreviation may be any type of shortened form, such as words with the middle omitted (for example, Rd for road or Dr for Doctor), an acronym is a word formed from the first letter or first few letters of each word in a phra...


Acronym | Definition of acronym by Merriam-Webster VIAFull Definition of ACRONYM: a word (as NATO, radar, or laser) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term; also: an abbreviation (as FBI) formed from initial letters : initialism — ac · ro · ...


Acronym | Define Acronym at 微光下,盈瑄淺淺的笑容是不是如一彎清流,為你趕走陰雨連綿的苦悶了呢?躲雨時,不妨找家咖啡店坐坐吧,或許你會巧遇端著咖啡看雨的的盈瑄也說不定。 (以下桃紅色文字為盈瑄的回答)   【圖/陳盈瑄授權】 1.姓名:陳盈瑄 2.綽號:Judy 3.生日:1995/07/13 4.學校&年級:淡江acronym [(ak-ruh-nim)] A word formed by combining the beginning letters of a name or phrase, as in WASP for white Anglo-Saxon Protestant, or by combining the initial syllables of a series of words, as in radar, which stands for radio detecting and ranging...


Acronym dictionary definition | acronym defined 1.愛你的男人,一定會主動聯絡關心你。不愛你的男人,就算你總聯絡他,他也不會變得主動聯絡你。2.愛你的男人,努力賺錢讓你花。不愛你的男人,在你面前永遠會說自己錢不夠花。3.愛你的男人,他總擔心你吃飯沒,喝水沒,天冷穿衣服沒。不愛你的男人,他只會問你還有事嗎?沒事掛了吧。4.愛你的男人,就算不在一起A pronounceable word formed of the initial letters or other parts of several words.An acronym generally comprises all upper case letters. SONET, for example, is the acronym for Synchronous Optical NETwork, a North American standard for fiber optic transmi...


ISIR - Initial Sample Inspection Report - Acronym Finder 「手心貼手心,一起心電心~」看到妍萱燦爛的笑容,K小編就忍不住想哼起這首甜蜜的歌曲呢!就讀美容科的妍萱有一雙能帶來魔法的巧手, 不過天生麗質的她即使不上妝也是很可愛的吧~(以下桃紅色文字為妍萱的回答) 【圖/呂妍萱授權】 1.姓名:呂妍萱 2.綽號:Mika 3.生日:87.02.11 4.學校&What does ISIR stand for? ISIR stands for Initial Sample Inspection Report. This definition appears very rarely The World's most comprehensive professionally edited abbreviations and acronyms database ... The World's most comprehensive professionally edit...


HTML acronym tag - W3Schools Online Web Tutorials你是一說到運動就忍不住要哀嚎、恨不得裝死的人嗎?嘖嘖,這樣可不行喔,看看我們今天的女主角霈宜,就知道運動不僅能幫你維持體態,還能紓解壓力,擁有陽光般的笑容和滿滿的元氣!(以下桃紅色文字為霈宜的回答)   【圖/周霈宜授權】 1.姓名:周霈宜 2.綽號:現在沒有在用綽號了 3.生日:&nbsDefinition and Usage The tag is not supported in HTML5. Use the tag instead. The tag defines an acronym. An acronym must spell out another word. For example: NASA, ASAP, GUI. Marking up acronyms can give useful information ......
