四門Coupe進化論-更帥 更快 更好載!從全新Panamera看四門Coupe
Action Speaks Louder Than Words Brad Sugars and Action Speaks Louder Than Words 屬於全新第二世代的Porsche Panamera於德國時間6月28日正式發表,不管買不買得起,光從原廠公佈的照片看,這部Porsche創廠首款四門Coupe產品明顯比起前身漂亮,無論輪廓或者細節設計,現在的Panamera都更像是真正的Porsche跑車了! 文 鄭捷 / 圖&nbsBrad Sugars writes about real business people and how they've overcome some of their most challenging issues, through use of business coaching. ... Dr. Ernie Normington is a plastic surgeon in Pennsylvania that runs a 15-person operation with $2 million a...