承襲動感血脈 再創潮流焦點 FORD FOCUS黑潮焦點版 限量升級上市
Action Speaks Louder Than Words Brad Sugars and Action Speaks Louder Than Words 福特六和汽車近日宣布Ford Focus 黑潮焦點版限量上市,外觀以大膽黑白雙色搭配,重新詮釋動感車身,並採用全新個性化17吋勁黑型格鋁圈,搭配風馳擾流尾翼,更顯凌厲氣勢;內裝採質感炫紅飾線座椅,內外兼修潮炫升級。自2015年推出改款車型以來,Ford Focus 全面改寫中型房車駕Brad Sugars writes about real business people and how they've overcome some of their most challenging issues, through use of business coaching. ... Dr. Ernie Normington is a plastic surgeon in Pennsylvania that runs a 15-person operation with $2 million a...