Apple's 'Mac vs. PC' Ad Campaign: All 4 Years and 66 Commercials | Adweek 翻攝gjoyz 台灣的「奧客」幾乎多到成為一種特產,之前還發生過有客人在宜蘭觀光工廠試吃,直接對服務人員丟竹籤,讓服務人員當場崩潰大罵三字經的新聞。奧客們除了行為態度非常不尊重店家之外,許多有錢就是大爺的「神邏輯」,更是讓凡人完全無法理解!以下這則奧客還自己承認自己有病!太扯了! &Steve Jobs could sell. He did it in person, he did it on stage, and he did it on television—in the form of advertising campaigns that were often the envy of the business. ... Click to view.May 2006. Mac admits PC is good at business stuff like spreadsheet...