Adam Park - RangerWiki - the Super Sentai and Power Rangers wiki 他的這段話大概意思是,日本人遛狗時都會帶着塑料袋清理狗狗的排泄物,而中國人遛狗,看到狗在路上排便根本不予理睬,甚至連人都會隨地大小便。 所以他的觀點是,中國人沒資格養狗。 有日本人這樣說中國,按以往的反應一定是含着國罵殺回去,但是這次大家的回Adam Park was the second Black Ranger of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, as well as Zeo Ranger... ... When the evil Space Pirate Divatox threatens to raise a powerful monster named Maligore to marry her, Adam, along with the other Rangers, accepted new ...