adb exe android

Cannot find platform-tools folder and adb.exe inside it (Android forum at JavaRanch)太帥氣了~!!! Hi, I am new to this forum, a big Hello to all. Now my problem, i downloaded the android sdk r16 from the website http://developer.androi ... adb_has_moved.txt wrote:The adb tool has moved to platform-tools/ If you don't see this directory in your SDK, la...


android - ADB not responding. You can wait more, or kill "adb.exe" ... windows 8 - Stack Overflow這也太笨了.... As I said: I already got the problem when using Eclipse with Android ADT before I installed any motorola drivers. Seems more that anyhow the IDE cannot really find the adb.exe, altough this normally works after a standard installation. But neither in "Ecl...


[Android] Android4.2 Morelocale2 修改adb權限 手機免 ROOT @ iRaymond,沒事做 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::太厲害了~!!!! 關鍵字 Android4.2 Morelocale2、Morelocale2、Android4.2.2 Morelocale2、adb MoreLocale 2 介紹* NOTICE *A ... LINE 五選一貼圖,教學 (10/2-10/12) LINE 五選一貼圖 馬來西亞、新加坡、印尼教學 MoreLocale 2 修改權限常見問題...
