Ollie雜誌 XLarge 2014年春季特輯
ESE206: Lab ADC and DAC - Penn Engineering - Welcome to the School of Engineering and Ap 日本潮流雜誌 Ollie,帶來最新一季元老級潮牌 XLarge,Spring 2014的最新系列特輯,穿出獨特的復古學院以及街頭質感,不管是五片式Logo小帽的應用,或是以軍事風為靈感的服裝設計概念,透過生活感的照片詮釋都非常具有特色. 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JGoals: To design and build a simple Analog-to-Digital (ADC) and Digital-to-Analog (DAC) converter using OpAmp circuits and resistors. You will apply Thévenin's theorem to analyze an R-2R ladder network. This is a 2 week lab. In first week, you are expecte...