adel abdessemed

Mamco / Adel Abdessemed - Mamco, Musée d'art moderne et contemporain, Genève   太中肯拉~~              Habibi, 2003 polystyrène, résine acrystal, métal (réacteur d'avion) longueur : 17 m ; longueur avec le réacteur : ca 21 m ; largeur : ca 3 m 50 ... Adel Abdessemed, Le Citron et le Lait in cycle Rien ne presse / Slow and Steady / Festina lente, septième é...


Adel Abdessemed’s new exhibition at David Zwirner Gallery - artnet Magazine砰!!!  Adel Abdessemed STRIKE LIKE A BUTCHER WITHOUT HATE by Emily Nathan. The Algerian-born, Paris-based artist Adel Abdessemed debuts a striking new body of work at ......


Artists » David Zwirner 其實我練過輕功也待過少林寺啦! Representing over forty artists and estates, David Zwirner is a contemporary art gallery active in both the primary and secondary markets. Since opening its doors in 1993, it has been home to innovative, singular, and pioneering exhibitions across a varie...


Adel Abdessemed | Public Delivery 好痛! >Adel Abdessemed – Hope, 2011-2012, Refugee boat and resin, 81 x 96 x 228 inches ABOUT HOPE In 2012, Algerian born artist Adel Abdessemed showed Hope as part of his solo exhibition Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf at David Zwirner. The boat was found ......


La Biennale di Venezia - Artists 媽! 快來今天晚餐有著落了!!Questo sito usa cookie tecnici e cookie di profilazione, anche di terze parti, al fine di rendere più rapido e migliore il suo utilizzo e per inviarti messaggi pubblicitari in linea con le preferenze da te manifestate durante la navigazione....
