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adidas climacool Revolution Running Shoes Review | Sunshine Kelly年輕漂亮的女士在動物園閑逛著,最後停在猴子籠的前面。她很困惑的問管理員:「今天猴子們都跑到哪兒去了?」「它們回到洞裏去了,小姐,現在正值交配季節。」管理員說道。「假如我丟些花生米進去,它們會出來嗎?」小姐又問道。管理員搔搔頭,說:「我不知道耶!小姐,若換成你,你會出來嗎?」有位仁兄走進一家牙科診所,Let’s check out David Beckham in adidas climacool® Revolution latest TV commercial. He is running on adidas climacool® Revolution in the summer heat. While the rest of the city is trying to get any bit of breeze with the help of hand-held fans and window-...


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