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Introducing The adidas Ultra Boost “Triple White” - D'Marge 這是一個動人的感情故事~一位高富帥~被一位聾啞美女拒絕~ 理由是她認為她自己配不上他~但男生依然努力不懈的繼續追求 ~直到第四次終於打動芳心~一下就是該故事的影片~Fans of simplicity are getting a sleek treat from adidas. The Ultra Boost sneaker has undergone a stylish all-white makeover and the results are...


adidas Ultra Boost Review - Best running shoe reviews!為了歡慶品牌邁入10週年,由陳冠希主理的潮牌CLOT這次再和Nike聯名合作,推出全新CLOT X Nike 10週年紀念鞋款,以2013年當紅的 Nike Lunar Force 1鞋型為設計基礎,採用Hyperfuse透氣鞋面與Lunarlon鞋底,可以看到整體是以淺灰色精梳紗作為主要材質,最特So when adidas says things like that the Ultra Boost is the ‘greatest running shoe ever’, it might be because of two reasons. The first is genuine chest thumping anchored in the knowledge and pride that they have a stellar thing going with the Boost foam....
