天線寶寶 18+
Adobe After Effects - Official Site男旁白:「有一天,丁丁站在草地上」 丁丁突然站在草地上猛對著鏡頭:「你好~~你好~~你好~~ ^___^ (重複N次) 」 男旁白:「丁丁伸出食指」 丁丁:「食指~~食指」 男旁白:「丁丁用食指挖自己的鼻孔」 丁丁:「丁丁(比著自己) 用食指(搖晃著食指) 挖Download Adobe After Affects CC video effects software when you get started with Creative Cloud. Start your free trial today! ... The Mask Tracker lets you create masks and effects that automatically travel with the action in your scenes — no more adjusti...