海洋垃圾製成服裝,菲董與G-STAR RAW 聯名系列細節公開
Photoshop Help | Camera Raw - Adobe: Creative, marketing, and document management solutions 在沒有特別說明的情況下,相信大家很難將這些服裝與海洋中漂浮的塑料垃圾掛上鉤。這一系列名為Raw for the Oceans 的男女服飾正是今年初G-STAR RAW 宣布與Pharrell Williams 合作的環保產品。它最大的特色在於從回收塑料中提取出的生態材料與丹寧結合而成的環保面料,而The camera raw converter functionality in Adobe Photoshop CC provides easy access to the raw image formats produced by many leading digital cameras. ... Kodak DCS 14n DCS Pro 14nx DCS 760 DCS Pro SLR/n EasyShare P712 EasyShare P850 EasyShare ......