Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Master Collection What's New親愛的小幺: 親愛的,請你讀完這封信好嗎,我保證,這次我說的要是有半點假話,你就當我炸糊,要我咋包就咋包! 自打你跑回娘家以后,我就過上了十三不靠的日子,這段時間里,我已深深地認識到了我的錯誤! 回想起來,咱倆也是十幾年的夫妻了,還記得剛結婚的那段日子嗎?那時候,雖然日子過得清苦些,可你卻是那么的疼Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Master Collection What’s New 5 Smoother camera moves with Warp Stabilizer The new Warp Stabilizer in Adobe After Effects CS5.5 provides a solution to handheld camera shake that typically requires hardware such as a Steadicam. With...