Amazon.com: Shell Advance Ultra 4T 10W-40 Ducati Recommended Fully Synthetic Motorcycle Oil: Automot 今天看了一則小故事: 男:“從前有兩個人,一個叫我愛你,一個叫我不愛你。有一天我不愛你死了,還剩下什麼?” 女:“哼,要是我說了,你就我說想你表白呢!” 男:“不會的~” 女:好吧,剩下我愛你。 男:恩,我也愛你! 女:討厭!Shell Advance ultra is a fully synthetic lubricant and with its new RCE technology (RCE = Reliability of oil-performance, Control, Enjoyable ride) is designed to provide Shell's ultimate protection & performance for all modern motorbikes. Ducati approved ...