advantage - definition of advantage by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia. 一位黑道兄弟去牙科診所拔牙, 拔完後拿藥單去藥局領藥… 回家後,忘了藥師交代的服用方式… 情急之下,打電話回牙科診所詢問 兄弟:「藥那麼多顆,怎麼吃?」 護士:「你有腫就吃,沒腫就不要吃囉。」 兄弟…………&helad·van·tage (d-v n t j) n. 1. A beneficial factor or combination of factors. 2. Benefit or profit; gain: It is to your advantage to invest wisely. 3. A relatively favorable position; superiority of means: A better education gave us the advantage. 4. Sport...