PRINCESS DAY! – Adventure Time With Finn & Jake Seasons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 Episodes (Includes Pilo自發布以來,Siri仿佛一時間成了大眾情人,許多果粉對這個聲線優美的女性加以浮想聯翩,甚至言語「調戲」。 Siri 究竟是什麼模樣? 許多網友猜測,她或許像瑪雅一樣的純情高雅↓ 或是像莫妮卡那般 風情萬種,迷得男人神魂顛倒Princess Day! Alright y'all! I finally have the HD version of the episode, a watermark-less version that is that was just very recently released online! Heck it was only 6 mins after the torrent was posted that I found the HD version of the episode haha. ...