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advertisement - Wiktionary你一定忍不住看了你的手XDWikipedia advertisement (plural advertisements) (marketing) A commercial solicitation designed to sell some commodity, service or similar. Companies try to sell their products using advertisements in form of placards, television spots and print publicatio...


Incredible India (Latest Advertisement/Commercial) 2013 - YouTube 以上為標準流程~  Launched at recently concluded 'World Travel Market 2012' at London, the new ad has been created by 'Ogilvy and Mather'. The creative agency has launched the message for the first time. The latest "Incredible India" TV Commercial traces the journey of a y...


advertisement - definition of advertisement by The Free Dictionary 追追追小組/調查報導之前新聞常常報導,有怪客會在火車或高鐵經過的時候,用鋼珠攻擊車輛,產生很大的危險。但是最近網路上流傳另一種犯案方法,指出有歹徒會在夜晚時,對車輛擋風玻璃投擲雞蛋,故意讓駕駛打開雨刷、噴水功能,造成視線不清、被迫停車,進而趁機打劫。究竟是不是有這麼惡劣的犯罪手法呢? 看完原信後,ad·ver·tise·ment (ăd′vər-tīz′mənt, ăd-vûr′tĭs-, -tĭz-) n. 1. The act of advertising. 2. A notice, such as a poster or a paid announcement in the print, broadcast, or electronic media, designed to attract public attention or patronage. advertisement...


Commercial Real Estate Minnesota | Welsh and Colliers 我想就算給你錢你也不敢坐吧!Welsh and Colliers is one of the premier commercial real estate Minnesota firms, providing comprehensive real estate solutions for the Twin Cities ... Welsh and Colliers International has been the leading commercial real estate Minnesota firm for over 35 ...
