為自動駕駛鋪路,德系三大車廠BMW Audi Benz將共同合作?
Interactive Advertising Bureau - Official Site 德系三大車廠競爭多年,但這次這三大車廠居然要一起合作了? 據外媒消息指出,三間德國車廠日前已簽定協議會共享汽車數據,這三個車廠目前簽屬的協議書,將會使三間車廠的汽車所收集到的數據資訊進行網路共享。也就是說,Benz的車若在路上遇到坑洞、施工、或是禁止通行,也都會分享給Audi及BMW,使汽車能更輕The IAB Digital Video Center is a dedicated unit within IAB charged with driving the growth of digital video in the marketplace. The video center develops standards, guidelines, research, and best practices with the IAB Global Network to ensure seamless g...