advertising blog

Blog - Microsoft Advertising老師,我11歲,大家都叫你老師所以想問一個問題“。 “你好,想問神馬?” “基友和炮友有什麼不同啊?” 我頓時覺得肩負著一種來自祖國未來的巨大壓力。 然後很認真地回答了他: “基友就是一起吃肯德基的朋友, 炮友就是一起吃泡麵的朋Microsoft Advertising official blog, with news of research, new products, events. ... Today we are announcing new levels of partnership with both AOL and AppNexus. Bing will now power search and search advertising across the AOL portfolio of sites....


udn部落格一個女生好不好不是看對方會為你做什麼, 而是看對方會為你而改變什麼, 比如我正在追的女孩, 已經為我改了三個手機號了。   【公告】udn部落格服務經營說明 【公告】想要快速搬家嗎?搬家秘訣看這裡 【快訊】親朋好友聚會不可錯過的指南參考! 【公告】如何使用新版部落格請先看「服務中心」.有問題請向電家族反應 【專區】接收品味好文章,歡迎按讚加入「udn網路城邦 ......


Advertising; Advertising Strategies, Advertising Careers, and Small Business Advertising photo credit: 浦公英       「小百合! 你究竟是如何考上醫學院的? 說出來分享一下吧!」   這篇會是長篇… 主要是回應大家的好奇心 XDD 我也不知道什麼時候會寫完   既然要寫,乾脆寫半個自傳好了 (媽啊,我是Professional advice about advertising and marketing from a veteran in the industry. Highlighting best practices, great examples of advertising, careers, the latest advertising news and insights, and everything in between, this is a complete guide for anyo...


Adverblog | Digital advertising and marketing: only the best ideas worldwide, since 2003和同桌吵架了,上課時我倆誰也不理誰。 突然手機收到同桌發的短信: 對不起,頓時感動, 正要回复他短信,同桌突然舉手大喊, “老師,他上課玩手機!” 我猜中了這開頭,卻猜不中這結局。   Was great to see the winners from the Cannes Cyber Lions today. Following a definite trend this year the Grand Prix had a female empowerment theme which is great to see ... While Adverblog posts are usually about the best digital advertising, this is a po...


iChannels 通路王:全國最大聯盟行銷(Affiliate Marketing)網站  photo credit: 浦公英   上大學的第一天,有點被廣大的校園嚇到 因為我是路癡,所以繳完學費後第一件事就是去拿地圖   正準備離開時,被一個高高的黑人叫住   「喂,你不可以走啦!! 這個一張$2啦」     嗚啊啊 沒想到iChannels 通路王是全國最大聯盟行銷網站,iChannels 通路王的CPA網路廣告平台讓廠商成交、網友分紅,改寫網路行銷效益最大值。iChannels 通路王讓廠商與廣告主在數萬個網站與部落格曝光廣告,聯盟會員推廣商品賺取佣金。iChannels 通路王聯盟行銷(Affiliate ......


Network Advertising Initiative - Official Site 工工工エエエエエエェェェェェェ(゜Д゜)ェェェェェェエエエエエエ工工工 "NAI is a group of third party network advertisers who are committed to increasing consumer confidence and contributing to the growth of electronic commerce." Part of the advertising industry's response to charges that they engage in practices that violat...
