What is advertising campaign? definition and meaning 新德里動物園發表的最新關於老虎咬死人事件消息....根據的法醫報告老虎其實是試圖挽救那個人,防止他被那些愚蠢的群眾的石頭扔到。那時候,老虎是咬住了那傢伙的脖子,並將他遠離公眾。不幸的是他的牙齒就這樣咬斷了那個傢伙的頸項造成致命的傷口。據法醫報告證明,除了他的脖子上有傷口之外,在他的身A coordinated series of linked advertisements with a single idea or theme. An advertising campaign is typically broadcast through several media channels. It may focus on a common theme and one or few brands or products, or be directed at a particular segm...