Aerodynamics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 有人曾經說過 想要抓住一個男人的心 就要先抓住他的胃 其實,傻傻的男生們都是單細胞生物 口腹之慾對於男生來說 絕對是人生頭等大事 女生可以為保持身材而不吃 男生絕對是有多少就消滅多少 能夠給心愛的人做飯 並且孜孜不倦Aerodynamics, from Greek ἀήρ aer (air) + δυναμική (dynamics), is a branch of Fluid dynamics concerned with studying the motion of air, particularly when it interacts with a solid object, such as an airplane wing. Aerodynamics is a sub-field of fluid dynam...