Advanced Encryption Standard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 還記得我第一次網路斷線連不上 Chrome 的時候,在電腦螢幕上看見一隻小恐龍的情形,那個時候我只是覺得,「這隻恐龍好可愛啊」,以為牠只是 Google 為了讓被斷線的人心情好一點,才設計的一隻小恐龍。我想都沒想過,原來這小恐龍是一個小遊戲!瞬間覺得 Google 真的好貼心啊The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a specification for the encryption of electronic data established by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001.[4] AES is based on the Rijndael cipher[5] developed by two Belgian crypt...