女王70週年白金婚! 他們成家,成熟,又慢慢老去...就算是女王也不容易啊...
Audio Engineering Society - Official Site 婚姻,是一段艱難的旅途, 帶着疲憊、甜蜜和辛酸... 一路上,兩人會遇到很多人、很多事,回首望去,原來已經走得這麼遠了。 今天,是女王伊麗莎白二世和菲利普親王的結婚70周年紀念日, 英國媒體們鋪天蓋地地慶祝。 夫妻倆一直是王室的『模範夫妻』, 雖然有過各種阻礙,但風風雨The leading professional association worldwide for professionals and students involved in the audio industry. The AES serves its members, the industry and the public by stimulating and facilitating advances in the constantly changing field of audio. It en...