Help Me Understand AFF/AFS/AFC at DVinfo.net (圖片翻攝自vimeo) 天啊!這東西太美了!! (圖片翻攝自vimeo) 快來看看怎麼做的! 一、摘下還沒開的薄公英,再過二天他就會綻放 (圖片翻攝自vimeo) 二、將催化劑和樹脂混合後,再倒到扭蛋中 (圖片翻攝自vimeo) 三、拿起綻放的薄公英放進去 (圖片翻攝自vimeo) 四、等樹脂凝Again I can only explain from a GH2 perspective, but if the GH3 has an AF+MF configuration setting and an MF ASSIST setting, configuring both to ON should do this. Set the focus mode to AFS and press the shutter button half way to autofocus. Then while .....