Texas boy suspended after bringing 'ring of power' to school - NY Daily News一隻猩猩在巴塞隆納動物園裡,認真的看著一個男人,在他面前變魔術! 那個男人拿出一個杯子,裡面裝著一顆球,蓋上蓋子後,接著手輕輕一轉, 那個男人打開蓋子,裡面一顆球都沒有! 看到這一幕魔術的猩猩,愣了幾秒鐘才有所反應, 而他的反應超級天真又搞笑! XDDD ↓&dTolkien lore led a Texas boy to suspension after he brought his “one ring” to school. Kermit Elementary School officials called it a threat when the 9-year-old boy, Aiden Steward, in a playful act of make-believe, told a classmate he could make him disapp...