ah nee mah music

Ah Nee Mah - Native Visions (A Native American Music Journey) 2013 Full Album - YouTube你要選哪個呢??? 1) Song of the River 00:00 ----- 05:43 2) Canyon Echoes 05:44 ----- 10:58 3) Stones Against the Sky 10:59 ----- 17:01 4) Rhythm of the Heart 17:02 ----- 22:39 5) River Journey 22:40 ----- 28:15 6) This Sacred Land 28:16 ----- 33:48 7) Stormlight 33:49 ---...


Hawaiian dictionary - Hawaii Travel Guide | To-Hawaii.com學妹想像力很豐富... Greetings: Hello/Hi: Aloha – “ah-loh-hah” Good morning: Aloha kakahiaka – “ah-loh-hah kah-kah-hee-ah-kah” Good afternoon: Aloha awakea – “ah-loh-hah ah-vah-keh-ah” Good evening/night: Aloha ahiahi – “ah-loh-hah ah-hee-yah-hee” Please: Ke 'olu'olu – “keh o...
