Ultrathin Keyboard Cover For iPad Air - Logitech 據說這是發生在我同事身上的真實故事: 昨晚,我學校一高學歷屌學生質問計程車司機: 您這車也太坑人了吧,雖然車費漲價了, 也不能跑了才五分鐘就103.9塊錢了, 你非逼我打電話報警嗎? 司機:傻B,瞧好了,那是收音機,下面才是計價器!This thin aluminum cover for iPad Air protects your iPad and has a built-in Bluetooth keyboard. It’s the perfect complement to your iPad! Learn more. ... Thin, light Bluetooth keyboard Enjoy an incredibly fast, fluid and comfortable typing experience with...