Air Gear Full Op with Lyrics [Chain by Back-on] + Download Link - YouTube by Lisey 還記得讓眾多男網友仰天長嘯的「廢物女友」貼圖嗎?笑咪咪的女友一臉無所謂地說出各種生活用語,每次看都讓人覺得背後一陣濕涼…各位男友莫急、莫慌、莫害怕,作者聽到你們的心聲,讓你反擊另一半的崩潰男友貼圖登場啦! 名稱:崩潰男友 一樣也Anime: Air Gear Song: Chain Artist: Back-on Description: The only op for Air Gear. *NOTE* If you want this song or any other anime-related songs without you downloading it from a site just contact me. If you have any requests, questions, or comments conta...