[ 傳教士體位 ] by 山本恩
SBSettings - iPhone News, Apps Reviews & Jailbreaking 你們好,我是山本恩。 『這也許沒辦法給大多數的人什麼,但如果有一些人看了能有所共鳴,我想也就夠了。』 【本文出處。歡迎按讚加入《山本恩》 www.facebook.com/yamamotonnn 粉絲行列 ,看更多精采內容。未經授權,請勿轉載!】 【其他Gaming Robot and I rewrote the SBSettings autolock toggle from scratch. It should now work. The toggle will also save your current autolock settings value from the settings app and restore it when you toggle it. When the toggle is on, autolock will occur....