airwaves lol

DAGGERING, RAMPING SHOP AND ALL SEXUAL EXPLICIT SONGS BANNED FROM JAMAICAN RADIO AND TV AIRWAVES! - ▲真的超正啊!(source: 卡提諾論壇,以下同)   本文授權自卡提諾論壇,請勿抄襲 原文標題:[奇趣見聞] 正妹主播打賭輸了「直播送上好康」!這曲線太誘人…沒想到老爸突然進來 糗大惹!(7P+影)   現在對岸直播真的很夯,女主播除了長得好看,還要懂得適時放DAGGERING, RAMPING SHOP AND ALL SEXUAL EXPLICIT SONGS BANNED FROM JAMAICAN RADIO AND TV AIRWAVES!...


8K UHDTV: How do you send a 48Gbps TV signal over terrestrial airwaves? | ExtremeTech3步驟‧有效解決育兒爭吵 文╱黃鈺倫  採訪諮詢╱格瑞思心理諮商所心理師黃盈霓 兩人因為相愛而共組家庭,但研究卻顯示,夫妻雙方在孩子剛出生時,反而是關係的冰點,不僅是因為雙方皆為第一次照顧孩子,若再加上育兒理念,便會造成許多育兒爭吵。   解決爭吵的方法 許多夫妻經常遇到,原本只With a resolution of 7680x4320 (8K or 4320p), UHD is comparable to IMAX -- and 16 times larger than HD's ... ... The higher the resolutions get, the longer it’ll take for the next one up to reach large scale adoption. Realistically, there’s practically no...


“Radio Biafra” Reportedly Hits Airwaves in Rivers State 哈里王子大婚的花童名單公布,果然牛掰,英國女王曾孫輩都要去撒花~ 在大家印象里,花童是夏洛特這種乖乖女畫風 ↓↓       但還有這位混世小魔女呢: 我超萌哎,你們不覺得嗎? ↓↓       這A radio station named Radio Biafra operating from an unknown location in Rivers State has hit the airwaves. According to Daily Post, the station can be heard on 88.0 FM dial. The station is said to have just one radio personality named “Director,” and he ...


Dean Blundell set to return to Toronto airwaves 今天帶來的深夜漫畫 《我的傻大個男友》                       授權來源:爆漫畫     ID:baomanhua233原文標題:男生喜歡Dean Blundell is set to return to Toronto airwaves with a new show to debut in March. The former radio host at 102.1 The Edge was turfed from the station back in December 2013 amidst controversy surrounding homophobic remarks made on air. Now, Blundell wi...


5x Karthus: LoL 2v5 Showdown - YouTube 沙子,再普通不過的東西了。   但是,當你把它放大300倍, 一個神奇的世界就出現了… 顯微鏡之下,沙子也變得五光十色…   拍下這些照片的,是Gary Greenberg。   他來自美國,原來是一名攝影師和導演。 33歲那年,他從洛杉磯Livestream: Follow Athene on Facebook & Twitter: Start LoL & Refer Athene: Music tracklist: Brad Sucks - Making Me Nervous (instr...


The CW’s Third DC Comics Series Is Going Straight To Air | UPROXX大多數男性看到路人妹子,是沒有勇氣上前搭訕的     不過視頻博主們已經身經百戰了,比如有位小哥,他的搭訕方式花樣百出     而妹子們似乎並不討厭他!       請看: 作者:Lensbreak Studios   Wait when did it come out it’s going to run like Agent Carter? From what I’ve seen it will premiere mid-season and be at least 13 episodes and with how CW’s schedule works the longest break is between December and January and that’s about 5 weeks at most....
