alan turing google doodle game

Alan Turing's 100th Birthday - Google 今天紐西蘭的網站被大量裸照刷屏了,不明真相的群眾還以為自己的電腦中了病毒,定睛一看這些裸照居然出自紐西蘭著名的梅西大學,厲害了word 哥!紐西蘭的大學生也太開放了吧!       這一系列的照片中的主角都是梅西大學的學生和動物們,而照片中他們共同的特徵就是:一絲不掛The code for this doodle has been open sourced. Alan Turing was a completely original thinker who shaped the modern world, but many people have never heard of him. Before computers existed, he invented a type of theoretical machine now called a Turing ......


Alan Turing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 話說,在西雅圖有一隻非常著名的汪,就是照片里這隻叫Eclipse的黑色拉布拉多...     這隻汪在網上知名度非常高,它有自己的主頁...     被媒體各種報道..       甚至還有一本書,專門講述它的故事... &nbAlan Mathison Turing, OBE, FRS (/ˈtjʊərɪŋ/ TEWR-ing; 23 June 1912 – 7 June 1954) was a British pioneering computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, philosopher, mathematical biologist, and marathon and ultra distance runner. He was highly...


The Imitation Game - Google talk celebrating the film and Alan Turing - YouTube “很酷,但又有點噁心”就是我在看了這個視頻之後的感覺,大家也可以感受一下:   話說這頸骨、肩胛骨、肋骨還真像變形金剛似...   表演者是來自吉爾吉斯共和國的一個團隊,其中一位曾參加過《美國達人秀》   到底他們是通過訓練還是有這方面的天賦,Book tickets now: Google talk to celebrate the release of The Imitation Game and the life of Alan Turing. With guests Sir John Scarlett, Sir John Dermot Turing, producer Teddy Schwarzman, and screenwriter Graham Moore. --IN CINEMAS N...


Alan Turing Year - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 隨著時代變化,很多事情都不一樣了,比如下面這些漫畫,你有同感嗎?   關於踢球           關於禮物           關於看電視       &nExamples include: The Royal Mail issued a UK commemorative stamp for the Turing Centenary. The Imitation Game: how Benedict Cumberbatch brought Turing to life The Guardian, Tuesday 7 October 2014 De-coding the Turing family Professor Barry Cooper The ......


Eric Schmidt: 'The Imitation Game' Will Help the World Recognize Alan Turing's Genius (Guest Column)  照片中這個少女名叫Scarlett Keeling,她曾跟家人一起住在英格蘭。   2008年,年僅15歲的她和媽媽,媽媽的男友,以及幾個兄弟姐妹在印度,享受一場長達半年的美妙旅行。 看寺廟,吃美食,騎大象,看海划船開派對……旅行的日子好Editors Note: On Feb. 12, The Weinstein Co. will kick off a special college screening program of The Imitation Game at top computer science universities around the country, beginning with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Here, Eric Schmidt, the ...


'Imitation Game' Director on Alan Turing's Sexuality and Suicide 照片中這個相貌清秀的妹子名叫Nikki Yovino. 她今年19歲,是美國康涅狄格州聖心大學(Sacred Heart University)的一名學生。   去年10月14日,她參加完一個校外派對後,神色倉皇地趕到警察局報案, 「警察先生,我……我被人輪姦"It’s kind of prejudiced to say that if you have a gay character in a movie, you need to show explicit gay sex," says the Oscar-nominated director Few knew who Norwegian director Morten Tyldum was before he took on the Alan Turing biopic, The Imitation Ga...
