
alarm 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典 - 英漢字典 (English-Chinese Dictionary)【你知道這些嗎?】1老公是古時對太監的稱呼.2上廁所時看書記得特別牢.3三種顏色的貓一定是母貓.4一直盯著手心看手心會發熱.5燈泡不能塞進嘴裡,會拿不出來.6沒有一張紙可以對折超過九次,多薄的餐巾紙也不行.7蒼蠅吃起來是有點甜的.8剪刀是達芬奇發明的.9餵狗吃巧克力可以殺死狗。alarm 警報,驚慌,警告(vt.)使驚慌,警告 ... 來源(11): Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thesaurus] 177 Moby Thesaurus words for "alarm": Angelus, Angelus bell, Roman candle, abject fear, admonishment, admonition, affright, aid to navigation, alarum, ......


ALARM - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaALARM (Air Launched Anti-Radiation Missile) was a British anti-radiation missile designed primarily to destroy enemy radars for the purpose of Suppression of Enemy Air Defense (SEAD). It was used by the RAF and the Royal Saudi Air Force,[2] and retired at...
