最速敞篷車? G-Power BMW M4 Convertible
Katy Perry - Roar - Alex Boye Ft. Mom Bloggers United (Africanized Cover) - YouTube 搭載雙渦輪增壓引擎的BMW M3/M4,擁有非常高的改裝潛力,專門改裝BMW、M.Benz的G-Power,這次打造一輛堪稱世界最速的BMW M4敞篷車,最大馬力到達600hp,更有0-100km/h只要3.7秒的超強性能。 BMW M3/M4這具S55B30雙渦輪引擎,G-Power在My new album "Africanized" is available on iTunes now! https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/afr... http://alexboye.bandcamp.com With over 100 Million views, and growing, Alex Boye has become a bonafide YouTube sensation. Here for the very first time, are son...