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Alexian Lien | New York Post 喜歡哪一種呢?Now he’s unmasked — and facing serious jail time. A Manhattan judge Tuesday convicted an undercover cop of felony assault and other raps for his role in the ... The wife of Alexian Lien, viciously beaten by a motorcycle mob nearly two years ago, cried as ...


Alexian Lien relives road rage biker gang attack involving undercover NYPD COP | Daily Mail OnlineAn SUV driver who was beaten to a bloody pulp by a gang of enraged bikers after he'd run over one of them wept as he testified Monday that he was scared to death during the melee. 'Complete fear. For my life, for my wife's, for my daughter's,' Alexian Lie...

全文閱讀 - Your Daily Dose of GossipCovers Entertainment and celebrity breaking News, Hollywood Rumors, gossip, fashion, sports, wags, celebs photos, videos, wikis and bios ... Taylor Borland Taylor Borland is the pretty wife of The Voice’s champ, Craig Wayne Boyd! That’s right, the couple ...


MotoInked | Riders defined by our ink. Photo credit: 浦公英    ===================  因鄉民要求我決定出賣我老爸百合爸是個非常誇張的人,基本上我到現在還搞不太懂他的思考邏輯可以爆的料實在太多,分段寫 XD啊,附帶一提,我爸雖然是個怪咖,不過他絕對是一個滿分的好醫生。他在Riders defined by our ink. ... We are a generation of sharers. We record everything. Whether it’s a dash cam, helmet cam, bike-mounted Go Pro Cam or otherwise, we document everything we do and everywhere we go....


Hells Angels rip bikers’ highway beatdown | New York PostEven the Hells Angels are appalled by a motorcycle gang’s savage beatdown of a father on the West Side Highway — saying the heartless brutes crossed a line when they messed with a family. “That kind of behavior is unacceptable — and with a kid in the car ...
