「喜劇泰斗」卓别林外孫女 Oona Chaplin ,其實是「性感小護士」?
Electromagnetic Flowmeter Vortex Flowmeter Ultrasonic Flowmeter Paperless Recorder Alia-Inc Oona Chaplin 是誰?這位西班牙籍女演員,在影集《冰與火之歌》中因為扮演小護士泰瑞莎後而備受矚目,甚至被網友票選為冰與火之歌中最正的演員。最近更是在由英國當紅影集《皮囊》劇組最新作品《拍拖男女》中擔任主要演員,並以現代時髦的打扮出場,讓大家眼睛為之一亮。 而舉手投足都充滿著魅力的&nbsAMC3200 Series The Aliamag AMC3200 series converter is a microprocessor based intelligent transmitter that can be paired with any of the Alia AMF series sensors. T ... ATT1000 Series ATT1000 two-wire input temperature transmitter is a high performance ......