Eating sugar makes me sweat — why? | Go Ask Alice!近日,美國勵志姐Deemi體重約210公斤(460磅),身材豐滿,肥肉橫生,而他的男友Andrew則是位又高又壯的肌肉猛男,除了接吻外,還脫光衣服在浴室自拍上網分享。 近日,美國勵志姐Deemi體重約210公斤(460磅),身材豐滿,肥肉橫生,而他的男友Andrew則是位又高又壯的肌肉猛男,除了接吻Dear Alice: I have noticed that whenever I eat certain sugary foods — especially chocolates and hard candies — I break out into a cold sweat and feel extremely uncomfortable for about half an hour. I have no problem, however, with pure cane sugar ......