牛馬靠邊站 G-Power BMW M6 Gran Coupe
Alienware - Official Site 來自德國專精於BMW改裝的G-Power,針對BMW M6這具4.4 V8雙渦輪增壓引擎推出Bi-Tronik 5升級套件,最大馬力可從560hp提升至710hp,最大扭力更高達90.82kgm,這樣的升級幅度確實嚇人,但身為BMW專屬改裝品牌,怎可就此罷休! G-Power專為M6Build a custom gaming PC at Alienware. Alienware manufactures the world's best high-performance PC gaming laptop and desktop computers. Buy yours today. ... Tune in to Twitch.TV 2x a week for all-new Alienware shows & be sure to check back for any ......