Allok MP3 to AMR Converter - MP3 to AMR, WAV to AMR, AMR to MP3, AMR to WAV, AMR Converter親愛的老婆:剛開始,你對我說要炒股票,我覺得就像你想去新馬泰玩一趟一樣,新鮮勁過了,你還是原來的你。然而現在我承認自己錯了。當你愛上股票,就像愛上了某個英俊多情又神秘的男子。作為一項投資,你炒股,我不反對,但當你把股票作為唯一的興趣愛好,無時無刻不研究它,仿佛走火入魔一般,我不得不說:我發現你變了。Allok MP3 to AMR Converter software is a powerful AMR Converter that lets you convert your audio files to and from the AMR format used by your cell phone.You can convert from WAV, MP3, OGG, WMA, AC3, AMR, 3GP, MP2, RM, RMVB, RAM, VCD, VOB ......