Ally McBeal (TV Series 1997–2002) - IMDb viaso.tzhqw.com 一個男人想跟你上床是正常的, 這是人性。 想跟你上床的不是壞男人, 想跟你上床而不想負責任的才是壞男人。 一個男人有多少錢不重要, 重要的是他把自己全部交給了你! 我很喜歡這段話: 錢,不能養你一輩子With Calista Flockhart, Greg Germann, Jane Krakowski, Vonda Shepard. Ally McBeal and Billy Thomas were going steady throughout their childhoods. Ally even followed Billy to Harvard law school despite having no interest in law. But when Billy chose to purs...