alpha a7r

Sony a7R Alpha Mirrorless Digital Camera ILCE7R/B Sony a7R at B&H Photo【封面故事】Egan來了!Janet&George全面接招 文/洪郁鈞 攝影.妝髮/K.L WEDDING郭元益婚紗美學館 錄影.剪接/煒喆視覺影像工作坊賴韋戎 服裝編輯/T.L.Hsu 協力品牌/Gap、Ted Baker、Swarovski、Levi’s、Charles & KeitFull Frame Compact Mirrorless Digital Camera The Sony Alpha a7R incorporates a full frame 35.9 x 24 mm sensor into the compact, lightweight form of the E-mount mirrorless cameras providing the imaging prowess of full frame and the convenience and versatil...


Sony Alpha A7R review | Digital SLRs/Hybrids Review | TechRadar 彙整整理/春霓、摘自/《我是你「老婆」,不是你「老媽」:26個溫柔「育」夫技巧,教出像歐巴一樣窩心好老公》(宇津﨑友見著/哈林文化出版社)、圖片來源/哈林文化出版社、shutterstock 結婚之後,我雖然不打算辭去工作,但還是想常保家中整潔,也想每天好好煮飯,洗衣、熨衣服等事也想盡可能全部做好Sony Alpha A7R review | Sony's new full-frame compact system camera, the A7R, is the world's smallest and lightest interchangeable lens full-frame camera, but what else can it ......


Sony Alpha ILCE-7R (A7R) review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech ne前幾週的 #編輯不藏私 已經為大家帶來了最火熱 Off-white x Nike 聯名和最經典 Converse 搭配以及最具話題的 Uniqlo x Seasme Street x KAWS 單品穿搭,而本週我們將迎合炎熱夏季的室外溫度,帶來出鏡率最高的「白Want it fast or want it fine? Sony makes you choose between its two full-frame interchangeable-lens cameras: the faster, cheaper 24-megapixel model (Alpha ILCE-7, aka A7) and a slower, AA-filter-free 36-megapixel model (Alpha ILCE-7R, aka A7R). Despite .....


Sony單眼相機 - 微單王者 畫質至上‧Sony A7R - 相機 - Mobile01 TEXT/Bella.tw儂儂 PHOTO/網路 大S曾經說過,當初第一眼看到汪小菲,就認定是他了!他們一見許鍾情,再見定終身,而後經歷了求子之苦,現在已是一家四口的幸福家庭,結婚邁入第8年,卻越來越愛,有發現嗎?他們相視對方時,眼睛都會投射出愛心,怎麼辦到的?來聽聽他們的相處之道! 嘴巴甜一點 過去我們都統稱Sony E接環的鏡頭為E鏡,現在全片幅E接環的機身推出後,Sony為A7/A7r量身打造了專用鏡頭,現在稱之為「FE鏡」,同時也可以接在目前的NEX機身上,只不過焦長需再乘上1.5倍才是等效焦距。...


Why Mirrorless over DSLR? Sony Alpha a7r, a7, a6000 - YouTube在一個現實與超現實的交界之處,一個演員的靈魂遊走於此,探尋著更多的可能性。瞬間,靈機一轉,發現原有的框架似乎不再重要,界限只會讓自己的步伐更難往前邁進。突破那道防線吧!嘗試更多瘋狂的冒險,活在當下,更要超越想像,勇於跨越那道無形的框架,找回最純粹的自我,那是一個準備完全的張孝全 - MilkX七月號Gary Fong explains why mirrorless cameras, like the Sony a7, a7r, a6000 and the translucent a99 and a77's have a distinct shooting advantage over optical DSLR technology....


Sony Alpha A7R Body -DigitalRev由凱開和YUYU組成的先後發表<幾分之幾>、<慢慢喜歡你>等音樂 COVER 作品,廣受網友好評。2人的VLOG也在每周一和四準時上線,和粉絲分享他們的生活點滴。在努力的經營下,胡鬧一番不但累積高人氣與支持度,他們的出現也讓華語樂壇再現令人眼睛一亮的新鮮組合。 正式加入新東家「上The Alpha A7R from Sony sets an exciting new benchmark in digital imaging. A game-changing blend of imaging power and portability, this mirrorless camera redefines the creative options of full-frame photography in a palm-sized interchangeable lens camera....
