James White - Alpha and Omega Ministries - Toward a Defense of the Faith大約是十年前,爸爸買了一隻充氣娃娃給我 那是要讓我晚上有東西抱的,因為我不敢一個人睡覺 我爸爸從小就告訴我,當妳把充氣娃娃收起來時 千萬不要把她放在陰暗的角落,或是暗暗的櫃子裡 反正,就是不要冷落她,丟一邊不理她 不然會有不好的事情發生 隨著時間久了,我也長大了,也越來越喜新厭舊 於是Welcome to Alpha and Omega Ministries Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologe...