windows 7 - Is there a keyboard shortcut to END an application? (more than just alt+f4) - Super User (source:boredpanda,下同) 在亞洲國家裡,老了意味著安養和休息,也不好意思在外面曬恩愛。可是對美國的老人夫婦來說可不是這麼一回事! 美國的老人夫婦們認為,當他們在嘗試一些不平凡的新奇事物或者玩樂時,就是替彼此增加回憶並且延長愛的感覺。 他們喜歡在日常生活中一起探索一I use Spotify, an application which, like many others, remains running when you close the window. That is to say, when I alt+F4, it doesn't have the desired effect. It only closes ......