ALT SGPT Is High: Causes, Treatment For Increased SGPT, SGOT Levels原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:喵妹 萌友們上次看完日本萬人票選演技最好的聲優排行榜後 有沒有超期待前10名的呢?喵妹可是超期待的! 有時候有露出臉的演出就已經很難了!何況是只靠聲音演出呢? 所以接下來公佈的是大家公認演技相當優秀的聲優們喔! 廢話不多說~馬上進入排行吧! 第10名 早見沙織 I am suffering from high fever. I got admitted to a hospital. The doctor is saying this is a type of viral fever. Conducted investigations for malaria and typhoid but results are negative. I got blood tests done. My platelets are 1.82. Alkaline phosphate ...