【men's uno試駕達人】小小玩樂大大過癮-MINI Cooper S 5-Door
Altered chord - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia執行、文字/Laiya 攝影/Ajerry Sung 影音/Neil 以性能跑車設計的大型進氣霸,前水箱護罩的紅色S徽飾,打造了MINI Cooper S 5-Door搶眼的車頭,其車體搭配融入整體設計中的條線與飾板,具鍍鉻雙排氣尾管的車尾,更率先釋放出了濃烈的迷人運動風。此車款保留了經典車身比例,In jazz and jazz harmony, the term altered chord, notated as an alt chord (e.g. G7alt Play (help · info)), refers to a dominant chord, "in which neither the fifth nor the ninth appears unaltered". [3] – namely, where the 5th and the 9th are raised or lowe...