[專題企畫-全新Jimny改裝範本一覽] PART4. 20吋大腳的魅力FABULOUS話題創造
Altered chord - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia圖片來源:DRESS UP NAVL 官 網:www.fabulous.co.jp 提到Jimny的改裝不外乎就是提高底盤,換上巧克力胎提昇越野能力占了九成九以上,不過這輛出自FABULOUS之手的Jimny則是完全相反,換上了20吋的大直徑輪框,從原廠越野風味滿點的外觀,變身為都會為主,In jazz and jazz harmony, the term altered chord, notated as an alt chord (e.g. G7alt Play (help · info)), refers to a dominant chord, "in which neither the fifth nor the ninth appears unaltered". [3] – namely, where the 5th and the 9th are raised or lowe...