「港版星野亞希」程芷渝推出麻辣寫真挑戰無極限 還請了黃秋生傳授獨門演藝秘訣...
Toyota Corolla Altis TRD Sportivo | FastMotoring[香港-台北訊]有「港版星野亞希」之稱的程芷渝(Milla)為了給讀者有更多的新鮮感,透露將會作出重大突破。即將演出舞台劇及微電影的Milla程芷渝表示:專程還請了黃秋生及甄詠○兩位重量級老師傳授獨門演藝秘訣,做好準備功夫。 程芷渝Milla表示:「黃秋生及甄詠○兩位重量級老師都好niYou probably be wondering, is there a Altis TRD Sportivo ? We are here to to tell you, Yes there is. Aside from the Toyota Vios TRD Sportivo, there’s actually Toyota Corolla Altis TRD Sportivo. The turn-off point is, it is only available in Thailand. On t...