Future Shock: Alvin Toffler: 9780553277371: Amazon.com: Books 在落英繽紛中,覺悟到愛情是一面鏡子;是因為這樣的我,才會愛上那樣的你,不之何所求地換對象,等於換湯不換藥,換的次數再多,也換不到真愛的幸福。戀舊,是一種美德。但千萬不要因為戀舊,而失去對創新的追求。雖然錢有能力買任何東西,但是感情絕對不可以拿錢來買。 強烈擁抱的感覺將會讓對方消受不了Alvin Toffler is one crackerjack sociologist. He wrote a series of books concerning the direction of society, the first being this book, Future Shock. Future Shock was written in 1970, and it must have caused a sensation at the time. Toffler examines so m...